You do grief your way I'll do it mine
Last night I dreamt The Amazing Bob and I were meandering around town – no apparent destination, just walking and talking. We’d run into friends – I'd speak with them of my overwhelming heartache, the grief that's riding me like some grossly obese jockey. But...but TAB was standing right there next to me as I spoke these words.
Did my man have anything to say to our chums? Nope, when he spoke it was only to me.
In relatively short order, I came to understand why this was. While TAB was clearly by my side – we were having convos and everything – he wasn’t alive again.
Motherfucking hell and damnation!
I only mention it but, on chilly nights, Coco sleeps on top of me. Now then, I'm a late middle aged babe – me and sleep have an uneasy relationship as it is. Coco’s not helping.
If I’m on my side, in the much favored fetal pose, our girl’s grabbing Zs on my hip. Yup, I'm tellin' you, she's perched there like a vulture. If I’m on my back? She’s curled up on my belly. Just FYI, Coco’s a lot heavier than she looks. Dense like a neutron star is what she is.
Shut the bedroom door, you say? What are you – nuts? monstrously cruel? Yes, here we have MORE proof of my stone cat doormat-ism!
Pardon me while I snort derisively. Coupla things:
- I want to lose weight all over, not just the tum-tum.
- As it turns out "beige fat" really is a thing BUT, unsurprisingly, this mag's headlines are touting it as an overnight Wonder Cure. WRONG!
I really need to twist up my courage and weigh in when I'm at the Y later today. I'm so afraid that, despite all my effort, I've not lost a pound. A variation of my old carny call (you can't win if you don't play) is echoing in my head – you can't feel encouraged if you don't weigh!
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