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Friday, June 8, 2018

WHAT a Week!

Shameless kitten cheesecake
OOF – thank the wee baby Bast it’s finally fucking Friday! Been one hell of a week here at Valhalla by the Sea and that’s not even including the daily political horrors.

I'll begin with mega adorable pics of my sweet overlord, Coco. Why? Because I could sure use some sweetness right now, THAT'S WHY!

In the disaster film that is our country, the desperately-sure-he’s-entitled-to-everything-including-your-last-french-fry head of the EPA, is TOTALLY giving Corrupto Turtle a run for his money in the fast-and-loose-with-taxpayer-bucks Olympics.

Scotty’s latest?
a government aide to Pruitt, President Trump’s EPA administrator, contacted the Trump International Hotel in Washington in hopes of snagging a used Trump Home Luxury Plush Euro Pillow Top mattress , on which Pruitt could rest his weary body after long days ignoring environmental protections. (source)
Coz, C’MON, who doesn’t want a USED hotel mattress? And, hey, isn’t this what taxpayer paid aide’s are for – doing frivolous, personal, shopping for rich, mingy-minded high level government appointees?

Oh and he also used his big important platform and taxpayer paid staff to try get wifey work (at a Bigots R Us fast food franchise no less). Poor Marlyn (can someone buy this poor broad an i) must be so bored back at the ranch that selling $3.99 chicken sandwiches seems thrilling. Christ, her interior life must be a vast, space rivalling void.

Shower Cap Blog (my new fave) noted that he’s:
…made this observation before, but it’s true again today: Scott Pruitt had more scandals just this week than the entire Obama administration did in 8 years.
Meanwhile, that dead ferret wearing, marmalade shitgibbon continues to humiliate the life out of America by lobbing ridiculous and dumbfoundingly ignorant frat boy style insults  at anyone he feels intellectually threatened by (HINT: that’s the entire bloody planet! OK, ‘cept for sycophants like Dense Pence). 45's general utterances already give away the fact that he’s, clearly, an ego NOT in search of intelligence. His attempts at insults put that in 72 point Gotham Ultra Bold.

And then there’s Dimwitted DeVos who:
told a Senate committee on Tuesday that the federal commission on school safety set up this year after the Parkland, Fla., school massacre will not focus on the role guns play in school violence. (source)

Your jaw’s on the floor? Yeah, mine too. As of May 25th there’ve been 46 shootings in schools. Kindergartners are now learning how to act in case a mad gunman comes after them…to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. But NOOOOOOO, we’re not gonna talk about guns. How many grievously injured or dead kids are enough to motivate the Republican Party to do their fucking jobs and say NO MORE to their NRA masters?

All this and, during Monday’s flood, I slipped and fell down the stairs. Lucky me, nothing broke BUT my back’s been on fire all week. So then, I’ve not gone to the gym. Not once! Yes, I’ve been stretching but my little gym workouts are the equivalent of Prozac with a Valium chaser – I NEED to get to the Y! Maybe today and I’ll take it slow.

Possibly I should take a day off from the news too. C'mon, that could happen!


  1. Shower Cap is perhaps the greatest political commentator of our times. Of course, the Trumplings do keep giving him so much material to work with.

    1. I just discovered him a month or two ago. He blows me away. I'm real keen on Jim Wright's Stonekettle Station but Shower Cap's tart sense of humor really does it for me.

  2. I've been avoiding the news as much as I can avoid it, which, admittedly, is not much.

    But I always feel better when I avoid it.

    That being said, I'm going to check out Shower Cap, who I'm not familiar with... I can feel my blood pressure rising already.

    1. Shower Cap is like TBogg, Hunter Thompson and George Carlin on steroids. I may be off on that but his news wrap ups have a lot of sharp humor. There are days that I have to set even his posts aside. :-(
