A Texas Christian University student got the old dumperooni (by text message no less!) just before he boarded a flight from London to Dallas. He proceeded to get banjaxedly bombed on Barcardi and went into a rage-a-phonic tantrum. He…
I have some questions:
And, of course, there’s the MAGA smug, idiot boys in Kentucky. You know, the ones in the now infamous pic of the…
Just FYI, the boys had been bussed into D.C. for the March for Life, March to Deny Women the Right To Own Their Own Bodies. Mocking and harassing brown people? It was a Republican/Fascist twofer!
A lot has been written about this – there’s the usual right wing, reflexive I’m the REAL victim horseshit, the disingenuous both-sides-isms as well as the more realistic and nuanced write ups. I particularly enjoyed and appreciated Steve M. of No More Mister Nice Blog and Michelle of Rubber Shoes in Hell’s takes. Go read, read! I'll be here when you get back – I promise!
There are tons of stories about assholian Southern white boys being, ya know, assholian. In this age – the Shit-Spackled Muppet Fart Age to be all specific and shit – we’re not “suffering” from a dearth of them. I’m glad there’s more of a harsh spotlight on these entitled, hate mongering freaks of humanity – they’ve always been with us after all.
Here’s the thing – how’s ‘bout some good stories about the decent people down below the Mason Dixon line. They do exist. HONEST! RILLY!
Side note: Stacey Abrams may be running for the U.S. Senate. If you’re a Georgian, help get out the vote for her. She’s awesome AND that entitled white schmuck Kemp stole the Governorship from her through outrageous voter shenanigans.
… spat at people, assaulted a BA air hostess and bit the hand of a passenger who tried to restrain him on the packed flight. (source)On top of that, the flight had to return to London. “Tanner’s” 200 fellow passengers (who had NOT been dumped by their girlfriends, were NOT loaded on a liter bottle of firewater and, presumably do NOT have serious anger management issues) had to be rescheduled on fresh flights. Were they able to get home that day? I seriously doubt it.
I have some questions:
- He was guzzling, on board the plane, from a liter bottle of rum. How did he get a liter bottle of any liquid on board the aircraft? The UK equivalent of the TSA doesn't allow more than 100ml, So, how’d he manage it?
- Is the ex-gal pal stratospherically, cruel and insensitive or was she just young, stupid and clueless? OR, was she fully aware of his self obsessed, utterly assholian, violent tendencies and text dumped him so as to save herself?
- He goes to a “christian” university and he was, at 21, presumably a senior – one semester short of graduation? How is he this outta control stupid after almost four years of Christian inculcation?
And, of course, there’s the MAGA smug, idiot boys in Kentucky. You know, the ones in the now infamous pic of the…
…dozens of teens, many from an all-male Kentucky Catholic school and some wearing bright red "Make America Great Again" baseball caps, appeared to mock and chant over the voices of a small group of Native Americans who were singing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the conclusion of a march in Washington, D.C. (source)

A lot has been written about this – there’s the usual right wing, reflexive I’m the REAL victim horseshit, the disingenuous both-sides-isms as well as the more realistic and nuanced write ups. I particularly enjoyed and appreciated Steve M. of No More Mister Nice Blog and Michelle of Rubber Shoes in Hell’s takes. Go read, read! I'll be here when you get back – I promise!
There are tons of stories about assholian Southern white boys being, ya know, assholian. In this age – the Shit-Spackled Muppet Fart Age to be all specific and shit – we’re not “suffering” from a dearth of them. I’m glad there’s more of a harsh spotlight on these entitled, hate mongering freaks of humanity – they’ve always been with us after all.
Here’s the thing – how’s ‘bout some good stories about the decent people down below the Mason Dixon line. They do exist. HONEST! RILLY!
Side note: Stacey Abrams may be running for the U.S. Senate. If you’re a Georgian, help get out the vote for her. She’s awesome AND that entitled white schmuck Kemp stole the Governorship from her through outrageous voter shenanigans.
By now, you’ve probably seen some of the blowback in the Twitterverse about this event. It appears that a group of Black men who believe that they are the chosen people (literally) were race-baiting the Covington boys (for up to an hour, by some reports). The Native American group came over to try to inject some peace into the proceedings. At no point can the words “Build the wall” be heard on the tape. So MAGA hats notwithstanding, this seems like a good lesson in not jumping to conclusions based on assumptions or a few seconds of viral video. As you have suggested before, everyone – right, left, and center – needs to stand down, take a big breath, and get some truth and perspective into the mix before flinging accusations.
ReplyDeleteHave you read that the boys were heckling women before they moved on to making tomahawk gestures at the Indians? Yes, they were getting shit from the Black Hebrews group. Not cool. Just like the boys were not cool, wearing their MAGA hats (telegraphing, loud and clear, their hatred of Browns and women who fail to be sufficiently door mat-ish) I like Steve M.'s takes on all this.
DeleteLet me be clear: I am in no way excusing their reprehensible behavior. If they are old enough to be there, they are old enough to know better, and they and their "teachers" should be condemned. All I'm saying is that the observing universe made a bunch of snap judgments and that's not helpful either. There was, alas, plenty of hatred to go around.
ReplyDeleteI know, I know. I just get in such a rage over the young men's Godzilla-esque privilege. The story was bigger than just that stupid smirking MAGA hat boy but not so big and wide that these kids are anything but adolescent piles of steaming weasel shit. Did you read? Their parents actually hired a BIG bucks PR firm to respin the story. Money doesn't talk, it swears and not in a fun way.
DeleteHave you seen this?
No – thanks for sending!