Turns out, I have a goddamned, motherfucking, asshole infection which, naturally, reignites my fear of losing the sight in this eye. Dammit. Bottom line here is that I need more surgery. I swear, with the amount of time I spend in the OR, you’d think I was addicted to scalpels or something.
More immediately, I’m on not one but two different antibiotic drops. Not only do they need to be administered EVERY single blasted hour (THROUGHOUT LAST NIGHT) but the MEEI pharmacy does NOT take insurance for some fucked up reason. This shit cost me 70 buckos and, as if that wasn't enough, the drops hurt! Yes, that’s normal. //grumble, grumble. grumble//
FYI, this blows. I wanna DQ this fucked up orb ‘o’ mine and install a nice deep purple cat's eye marble. Maybe a green one? Some swirly art glass would be pretty cool. How ‘bout an abstract? Something in a pointillist vein? I'm leaning towards the leafy hues but, damn, that purple one really speaks to me. Mebbe I could have a few different ones?
Which one strikes your fancy?
No, no, I’m gonna keep jumping through these hoops (and kvetching about it) – I’m determined to keep this damn eye.
Ten and Jen were wonderfully supportive and helpful to say the very goddamn least. They’re heroes, fer fuck’s sake.
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