Some days I feel as though I need a wee vaca from life. No, I don’t wanna die, not even temporarily – it’s just that I would like a week or two without any responsibilities or health issues. AND when I come back from this Geo-thermal Lagoon of the Soul, all my bills will have been paid, someone else will have endured my med procedures for me PLUS the house will be spotless and organized.
I want to jump to the part of this life’s journey where everything’s settled and stable. You know, the “and they lived happily ever after” part.
Just FYI and shit, that particular destination is an illusion. Fer instance – the story doesn’t end just because ol’ Prince Charming and Cindy vanquished the evil stepsisters and started shackin’ up in his big, beautiful castle. Nope. There’re bills to be paid, moats need to be cleaned (kraken will NOT infest a filthy moat, don’cha know), the hydra’s gotta be walked and those glass slippers ain’t gonna Windex themselves.
It’s no surprise that no one writes about what happens during all the happily-ever-after-ness. Sure, I breathe signs of relief when our heroes walk off, hand in hand, into the sunset but it’s the journey that’s got all the interesting bits. Will our hero (that’s ME, gang) triumph over the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune? Will she survive her bod’s traitorous assaults (and do it con brio!)? Can she overcome life’s evil stepsisters/stepbrothers and trolls, both klein und groß (yes, Mitchy, I’m a looking at you and your tiny brained, ginger Chaos Demon boss), without transforming into a scary-ass harpy?
OK, having said all that, I could do with a pint ‘o’ dull right about now. The intense eye business is still happening – Monday’s my first appointment at BostonSight – that’s when they’ll tell me for sure whether I'm a candidate for the prosthetic lens or not. If not, it’ll be eye closing surgery time and I begin crafting multicolored and patterned eye patches. There’s also the monitor, displaying swirling fractals, as patch invention to craft OR mebbe I just go full metal Borg.
get a small clue today when I see Doc Jacobs for a check up. As much
fun as the interesting eye patches could be, I’m rooting for the
prosthetic lens.
It’d help if I could get back in the pool. Laps rule.
Maybe, I just need to intro more humor – ya know, like Hell Boy. Sort of. Ummm, maybe not. How about a series of mini-vacas? Long walks on Nantasket? Dinner at La Paloma or that Thai joint? HEY, how about a day trip to New Haven? I just love the Yale Art Gallery!
With Ten living with me now (my very own Prince Charming!) I’m pretty much having a little holiday every day. He makes the MOST amazing brekkie for us EVERY morning. Today it was tamales, scrambled eggs and salsa. FABULOUS! Also too, hugs. The man isn't just Prince Charming – he's the Hug King.
Christ I'm a lucky broad. Still want a mini-hol though.

OK, having said all that, I could do with a pint ‘o’ dull right about now. The intense eye business is still happening – Monday’s my first appointment at BostonSight – that’s when they’ll tell me for sure whether I'm a candidate for the prosthetic lens or not. If not, it’ll be eye closing surgery time and I begin crafting multicolored and patterned eye patches. There’s also the monitor, displaying swirling fractals, as patch invention to craft OR mebbe I just go full metal Borg.

It’d help if I could get back in the pool. Laps rule.
Maybe, I just need to intro more humor – ya know, like Hell Boy. Sort of. Ummm, maybe not. How about a series of mini-vacas? Long walks on Nantasket? Dinner at La Paloma or that Thai joint? HEY, how about a day trip to New Haven? I just love the Yale Art Gallery!
With Ten living with me now (my very own Prince Charming!) I’m pretty much having a little holiday every day. He makes the MOST amazing brekkie for us EVERY morning. Today it was tamales, scrambled eggs and salsa. FABULOUS! Also too, hugs. The man isn't just Prince Charming – he's the Hug King.
Christ I'm a lucky broad. Still want a mini-hol though.
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