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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Guess what!

I graduated from BostonSight yesterday! Yes I gotta go back in for periodic checkups but I am now officially PROSE lensed up. I’m cleared for take off and shit.

All I gotta do now is pick a source for all the solutions needed for cleaning, filling and caring for this awesome little 21st century eyeball saving device.

Solution – now there’s an interesting word.

It’s originates in Latin (as so bloody much does) and comes from the word solūtus which is the past participle of solvere: to loosen, dissolve.

In addition to a med/liquid mix, it can also mean, the act of solving a problem. In math, it can also refer to the answer itself. In chemistry it’s the process by which a gas, liquid, or solid is dispersed homogeneously in a gas, liquid, or solid without chemical change.

Seems to me, the math and science folk took some lovely poetic liberties with the original Latin. OK, so did the pharmacists. I just LURVS word origins and evolutions!

Back at my post BostonSight celebrations though – today, not only are Ten and I NOT driving up, through killa traffic, to Needham Heights, we may not drive anywhere at all. It’s gonna be a gorgeous, sunny, 76 degrees here in Valhalla. We went to the library yesterday where I picked out a couple of molto indulgent, nothing-but-fun sci fi novels. We have tons of fruit, veggies AND leftovers in the house. Can you say picnic in the yard? Oh yeah! Imma lay out there, get some sun, snack and get lost in tales of werewolves, vampires and magic.

One more thing on the calendar for today – I’m gonna do an epic happy dance over NOT losing my left eyeball. Know who I have to thank for this? Doctor Deborah Jacobs who I saw purely by accident. My cornea minder was, possibly kismetly, away when I had my last big eye distressitude. The emergency room folks hooked me up with Doc Jacobs after I said the magic words – PROSE lens. She saved the day and my eye.

OK, I also owe my Nf2 minder, Doc Plotkin, a huge hod of mega gratitude. He's been mentioning the PROSE lens to me for years. I've resisted, primarily because I was ridiculously squicked out about the whole GIANT contact lens thing. Took an emergency to snap me outta that jejune horseshit.

So yeah, sometimes life has happy endings.

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