HEY, have you seen the dancing Australian zookeeper?
What about this otter vid tweeted by the Shedd Aquarium? OR their anaconda?
There’s some seriously great shit to be gawking at instead of the 24/7 horrific, devastating and rage inspiring news.
I’m NOT saying we should all opt out out and ignore the greedheaded Orange Menace and his party of sycophantic corporate shills – nope! All I’m sayin’ is LET’S TAKE AN OCCASIONAL FUCKIN’ SANITY BREAK !
Did I mention the absolutely awesome Shedd Aquarium website yet? DEF worth checking out!
I’m jumping on my-own-self about this news obsession more than anything. This past weekend I struggled to get away from the heinous current affairs reports, political blogs, Twitter and ShoutyFace.
No, I wasn’t especially successful.

Yea me.

Today, barely six days into this new ‘normal,’ I MUST reintroduce a greater amount of structure. I’ve got NO work coming in, which doesn’t exactly help my organize-the-day efforts. Also too, no work means NO paycheck – I’ve GOT to remember this when the cabin fever induced siren song of online shopping comes a’knockin’.
Today, instead of laying out and/or designing brochures, cards and such, I’ll delve further into the two paintings that I've started, read my new book, continue my job as Coco’s Chief Cosseter and do my indoor PT exercises (at 10, noon, 2 and 4. See? I'm developing a system!). Temps today won’t get out of the 30s, so a walk on the beach MAY possibly be too much. Dunno, I’ll go outside, test the waters and shit, later this morning.
I’ll also check out some of the online free e-book options so’s I’ll have more options once I finish Discovery.
Disciplined and coordinated. I CAN do this. RILLY!
Since you mention it, here is a list of other entertaining webcams, many of them in zoos or parks.
My online shopping sprees are just the (relatively) inexpensive tea. I do have to resist the urge to look at gorgeous little unglazed teapots. I am looking into a meditation cushion. If I'm going to do it, I might as well do it right.
I can't decide what I miss most – the library, the Y or going out to lunch :-( whine snivel.