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Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Contempt and the Pity

I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts.
~ John Steinbeck

I think this could easily be said of cats…maybe more so.

The way to be really despicable is to be contemptuous of other people's pain.
~ James Baldwin

This being one of the only things at which Prez Dumpster Fire excels.

You can spit on a rose, but it's still a rose.
~ Marty Rubin

And these children, all of us, that he spits on WILL change the world. Those of us who survive, that is. Just FYI, there are STILL thousands of children, separated from their parents at the border and kept in concentration camps

Hate is a lack of imagination.
~ Graham Greene, The Power and the Glory

I shouldn’t waste my time hating the Failure Monster in the White House. With the relentless damage he wreaks, along with his viciously complicit Republi/Fascist party, it’s hard not to.

Contempt mates well with pity.
~ Gloria Naylor, Linden Hills

If he didn’t wield power, if he didn’t have so damn much blood on his hands, I could look on him as a sad victim of a horribly twisted upbringing, a pathetic grotesque, a disastrous, outsized homunculoid mess.

Sadness is the ambrosia of all art.
~ Frances Fong

I’m continuing my Medusa self portrait series. It feels like a good way to channel some of my sadness and rage. When the Y opens back up, I’ll elliptical off more there.

The best fighter is never angry.
~ Lao Tzu 

 Let’s all be like Lao – calm, focused and clearheaded – NOT blinded by righteous fury . Fueled by it, sure but not derailed. Ya know, like Willy the Shake said, Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself…and shit.

We’ll never survive!”
Nonsense. You’re only saying that because no one ever has.”
~ William Goldman, The Princess Bride

But we WILL!

All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.
~ J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

We need MORE damn pixie dust, dammit!

AND, totally randomly, my favorite scene in Annie Hall.

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