Jen got hold of one of my eyeball minders yesterday. He didn’t seem to think it was a big-ass deal – just put more antibiotic goop in after I take my PROSE lens out at night.
Fine but I think it RILLY wants a Cosmo. OK, maybe that’s just me.
Why does every sci-fi/fantasy book that I pick up lately have all of humanity’s fate on the line? Hell’s bells, the earth (or just us two-legged/no winged types) are invariably on the edge of annihilation. Can’t I just have a simple mystery? Ya know, Agatha Christie with werewolves, vampires and maybe a few zombies? Laughs too. A LOT of them, plz.
Why do I never want to do anything on rainy days? And I get all down and morose too. I haven’t always been like this. Possibly, I’m channelling Karen Carpenter (sans eating issues of course?
Today’s supposed to be warm (upper 50s!) and sunny. I’ll get out for a solid beach ramble. I expect most of my neighbors will too. *sigh* I’ll be sure to wear my mask and dive for cover if anyone comes too close.
While at the local pharmacy I spotted Splat no bleach hair dye. I DO believe it’s time to go back to a nice shade of purple, Midnight Tanzanite to be precise. I was also thinking of a sweet ocean-on-a-sunny-day blue too but Ten felt a deep cobalt-y blue would be a better fit. Okey doke.
Without bleaching, the color's gonna be VERY subtle. Subtle’s usually not my bag BUT, ya know, It’s always good to try out fresh stylistic paths.
Dreamed I was headed to the airport for a flight to Berlin (to see my awesome cousin Della and her mate, Martin). My travel companion was Sheldon from the teevee show Big Bang. You’d think hilarity would ensue, right? Nope. It was just a stymied progress, frustration dream.
Kind of like real life now, huh?
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