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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Cats, Flowers and All That

Adorable toesies

Five years ago today, The Amazing Bob died, the first of two times in one week. I’m struggling to get that it’s been so long since he left this spinning blue orb.

Rude of him and Daddy to leave at nearly the same time. Pretty much guarantees a wicked dolorous late spring/early summer. 

N'est-ce pas?

I expect I’ll be all morose and sobby again today (lucky Jen, eh? She's my babysitter in Ten’s absence) so in lieu of Simone Biles-esque levels of tear stained melancholy, I give you snaps.

SEE, I do so think about the needs of others! C'mon RILLY!

“I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
“CATS”, he said eventually. “CATS ARE NICE.”
~ Terry Pratchett, Sourcery 

Edible orange flower. What IS this?

Better living through chemistry – a LOT of chemistry and this is just the morning dose!


  1. An orange nasturtium. A informal flower that gives generously. A pretty close-up - thank you.

    Fuzzy toesies give me joy, j-o-y, joy!
