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Friday, August 6, 2021

Space/Time and Monks

I had another coughing fit last night. I expect I broke the space/time continuum. Those are easy to fix, right?

Then I fell into a dream. Perry, Kevin’s bestie in our post college days, and I got the word that he, Kevin, was still alive. He’d stayed in the Navy and become a ‘Cardinal ‘—that can’t be right. Cardinals are birds, baseball players or big deals in the Catholic Church. Obvs I’m not terribly familiar with ranks and all that within the Navy (or any other branch of the military).

Sincere apologies and shit!

In any case, I hooked up with Perry and his spouse in the college town where Kevin was supposedly staying. It was a huge, back-to-college weekend on campus so I’d a hell of a time finding a hotel room. Finally I got one—in a 7/11’s back room. Weird huh? The space was surprisingly large and surprisingly adequate yet unfortunately beige. All in all, apart from the beige-ness, it was lovely. HOWEVAH, there was no way to keep the endless stream of customers out. Of course not—it was a 7/11 fer fuck's sake.

This dream was, in part about the quest to find. back-from-the-dead Kevin. It was also about locating a safe place to lay my weary self down and shake off the ultra loud and obnoxious students and their equally annoying parents.

What’s this all mean? The obvious bit—though it’s been 30+ years—Perry and I still miss that glorious bastard.

The second part? I don’t seem to mind not seeing bunches of people. Apparently, aside from the company of my dear chums, I prefer peaceful solitude.

I woulda made a great monk as long as monks could watch Star Trek with their fellow Trekky friars and read funny, trashy sci/fi. Oh and cats—there’d need to be a whole herd of ‘em.

Ya know what else would make the monastery abso-fucking more dynamite? Those big baggy robes. Talk about comfy! Granted, the color and texture are ALL wrong. Who the hell wants to wear scratchy, dull brown sacks? Not I, mes amis. No. Light cotton tie dye is much more more comfortable AND appropriate don’cha think? Also too, wine

Yup, I think I’m gonna be a monk.

It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out. 

~ Carl Sagan

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