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Saturday, July 9, 2022

Lingering, Now with MORE Cake

Despite testing negative for COVID, my nasty symptoms linger. Mostly the coughing fits, which are occasionally heinous enough to leave me gasping for air. Then there’s the fatigue. I am distinctly UNhappy about this.

I contacted both my PCP and my neurologist’s office to ask WHAT the actual fuck!!!?

One of the neuro nurses assured me this shit’s unrelated to my prodigious tumor production. Well…good and yet. This stinks.

My regular doc’s nurse tells me:

Cough and fatigue can persist for a few weeks, and recovery time can vary from person to person. Continue to rest when you need to, drink enough water, and wear a mask when you leave the house. Please get in touch with us if anything concerns you or you develop new symptoms.
Okay fine. I’m attempting to do a bit more exercising each day so as NOT to lose all my mobility gains. Just a FYI and shit, I totally did not need another hurdle to clear on this stupid rehab highway.

in another chapter of the I-Never-Learn Olympics, though I woke feeling utterly exhausted (busy, busy night of coughing) I opened up the news apps before getting out of bed. Yeah, NOT one of my smarter moves.

Did you know?
Ohio State Representative Sarah Fowler Arthur (R-Ashtabula), wants “both sides” of the Holocaust taught in schools. House Bill 327 would ixnay teaching, advocating or promoting divisive concepts
“Maybe you're listening to it from the perspective of a Jewish person that has gone through the tragedies that took place," Fowler Arthur continued. "And maybe you listen to it from the perspective of a German soldier.” (source)
Yup, the tone deaf, severely ignorant, home schooled, former egg seller actually said this.
The ‘Both Sides’ bill would make “failing to fairly present both sides of a political or ideological belief or position” conduct unbecoming of an Ohio educator, which prompted widespread alarm from teachers and concerned parents. Educators and potentially-impacted organizations across the state have asked how teachers would be expected to confront difficult subjects. How do you teach both sides of the Holocaust? Of 9/11? Of slavery? Of Ukraine? (source)
And in Tennessee a panel of judges has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a couple who alleged that a state-sponsored Christian adoption agency refused to help them because they are Jewish.  Tax payer money goes to this adoption agency and yet they’re allowed to discriminate.

So much for the separation of church and state. The Christofascists are clearly hell-bent on taking over this country. They wanna play? Let’s level the goddamn playing field. They can all start paying taxes NOW.

Okay, ‘scuse me now, I gotta go cough and wheeze for a while.

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