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Sunday, September 11, 2022


I’ve either hit a rehab ceilng OR something’s wrong with my back and chest (in the thoracic neighborhood). I’ve got a bunch’ o’ pain but it’s not 24/7. Sometimes it’s a little stabby. Most times it’s an insistent ache which a couple Tylenol and, as needed, a gummy will sort out

Maybe an increase in my walking distances combined with the fact that I’m now navigating the house sans walker or cane, is the pain-spark. Possibly it’s something else (MORE tumors?) but nothing stood out on last month's MRI.

I asked my PT—she told me the aches were related to me doing more but the knifey aspect concerned her. She wants me to see my med pit crew.

Luckily, I’ve an appointment with my PCP (annual checkup) on Thursday, I’ll ask.

For that matter, I’m seeing Doc Plotkin’s nurse practitioner on Wednesday (for the whole you and your magic chemo speech)—I’ll see what she has to say.

Enough about my ongoing dreary horseshit. Instead of reading the news today (oh boy), check out The American Experiment: Findings Question, a Daily Shout piece over at the New Yorker. I love dry humor in the morning. It smells like victory

A snippet:

     Can a large republic, rooted in principles of self-government, individual freedom, and ubiquitous tortilla-chip availability, survive despite its founders’ hypocritical embrace of slavery, subjugation of women, and annihilation of indigenous groups, the violent ramifications of which will echo through said republic’s entire existence?
Also too, here, have a few pics and snarkalicious memes. Yur welcome.


  1. Usually you ask before you post a picture of me, wassupwidat?

    1. Now, now, no one would mistake you for Mr. Natural. After all, you've that lovely full head of hair. Seen here:
      So there :-)
