It would take a snail five and a half days to travel one mile. Why would they though? Me? I could do it in about 90 minutes (maybe less) WITH my rollator. Why 90? I’d go halfway and then need to rest for 45 minutes. Yes, I’m still on the grand rehab plateau.
I blame chemo.
I get Mike Flynn and Roger Stone confused. One looks like a conehead and the other has a portrait of tricky Dick on his back, right? Which is which? Maybe that’s the same asshole?
Too many insidiously felonious fucks in the Russian sponsored failure regime to keep track of.
Then there’s that trash-fire teevee personality in Arizona who’s running for governor—Kari Lake. She looks positively insectoid—like, possibly, a grasshopper or a praying mantis. I imagine, if she wins, she’ll eat all those who voted for her.
This somehow brings me to a whole other midget dick phenomenon.
The ADL defines Incels, a portmanteau for "involuntary celibates," as "heterosexual men who blame women and society for their lack of romantic success.”Obvs, it’s occurred to precisely none of these shitheelian worm brains that, ya know, maybe it’s them. Life doesn't work like teevee sitcoms—the beautiful, intelligent woman doesn't normally marry the homely, dimwitted slob unless he's filthy rich. Possibly these entitled halfwits need to develop some fun hobbies, learn how to socialize outside of their loser cliques and maybe take some challenging classes at the local JuCo. Most of all, they should STOP living in a fantasyland whilst blaming others for their own bankrupt personalities.
As Jia Tolentino points out in this New Yorker article, "What incels want is extremely limited and specific: they want to be able to have sex on demand with young, beautiful women“ (source)
Nah, too much trouble. They’d rather whine, troll, assault, rape and/or murder their way through life.
La Maison Picassiette is a house covered in more than 15 tons of mosiac tiles.
I bet it’d be pretty damn solid in a hurricane. Does it hold heat in the winter? Possibly I should take the siding off Valhalla and start mosaic tiling?
Writing pet peeves:
When a scribbler:
- uses the word ‘that’ when ‘who’ is far more appropriate. e.g.:
The people that claim to be…
Goddamnit, doesn’t:
The people WHO claim to be…sound much better?
- ‘impacted’ versus ‘effected’
My self-reflection has impacted my own awareness..
My self-reflection has EFFECTED my own awareness…
Wisdom teeth become impacted. People are effected by something.
- ‘anxious’ versus ‘eager’
I’m eagerly awaiting my next trip to Iceland.
I’m anxiously awaiting my next trip to Iceland.
NOT the same thing! I’d only be anxious about the trip if I was anticipating a horror of some sort.
I’m now thoroughly muddled as to how I should refer to a person’s sexuality. Is queer the same as gay? If so, are they equally polite terms? Was/is dyke ever an acceptable synonym for lesbian (outside of the self-named Dykes on Bikes who rode in the Gay Pride parades of my younger years)?
Also, unless I'm looking to fix a pal up on a date, why would I refer to them specifically by their sexual preference? I would refer to Ellen as my ceramic artist friend or Scott as my painter pal. If I'm describing a person's looks I would mention their age, skin and hair color, the way they dress and whatever else seems to stand out (their hotness factor fer instance).
I understand the whole gender identity thing...I think. If I don't know a person's preferred pronouns I just ask them. If that's not possible, I use they/them.
Additionally, it's not gay marriage, it's just marriage.
I think I woke on the cranky side of the bed this morning.
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