The hardest part of witnessing the trump years was seeing the Marianas Trench depths of so many of our fellow citizen’s stupidity, racism, misogyny, cruelty and inability to embrace reality or logic. Also too, it's disturbing to see how easily these marks were/are fleeced by dime store grifters.
I didn’t always think of GOPers as the lowest examples of humanity but now, damn. If you tell me you voted for TFG or Gym Jordan or Madge Trailer Trash or any of their ilk, I’m gonna assume you’re a low brain power, delusional, nitwit who’ll believe any crazy-ass lie you’re told. That is, you will as long as the speaker’s white, plays alpha dog strongly enough and has, possibly, been on the boob tube. Celebrity sells especially to the easily manipulated and mentally weak. It’s persuasive enough to spark mayhem, murder and more of it.
The odious orange asshole claimed “I think my rhetoric brings people together.”
Two things:
- He thinks? I’ve seen no evidence of this. He emotes, tantrums and schemes. Actual critical thinking—not so much.
- He knows what the word rhetoric means? It’s more than two syllables!
Also, inspiring citizens to come together to riot, assault and commit mass murder isn’t exactly a, ya know, praiseworthy achievement.
I understand why a lot of rich cretins vote for fascists. They don’t give a damn about pesky bits like women’s equality and bodily autonomy, equal rights for ALL, climate change, education, voting rights, etc. If they’re in a jam, they’ll just buy their way out. They’re special—their bank accounts tell them so. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was. What they care about is tax cuts—keeping ALL their buckos whilst us peasants pay for the roads we all drive on, the schools, police, military, firefighters, etc.
Sure, they want to live in a functioning society with all the beautiful benefits, they just don’t want to pay their part like us loathsome, stinky commoners.
Check out the NPR report and database for a good look (both overview and specifics) on the folks who united, unsuccessfully, to assist Assface von Treasonous Shit-for-Brains in destroying our country.

Federal prosecutors say far-right militia members decked out in tactical gear rioted next to a county commissioner, a New York City sanitation worker, and a two-time Olympic gold medalist.
NPR found at least 14% of those charged appear to have ties to the military or to law enforcement. The presence of current and former law enforcement officers, as well as military service members and veterans, has especially alarmed government officials.
At least 154 defendants have alleged ties to known extremist or fringe organizations, such as the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon; the Proud Boys, a far-right group known for street violence; the Oath Keepers, an anti-government group; and the Three Percenters, a part of the anti-government militia movement. A large majority of those charged, however, have no known connections to established extremist groups. That has led researchers to raise concerns about how extremist ideologies have moved increasingly into the mainstream. (source)
The ultra wealthy didn't join in on the seditious fun but there were a significant number who were NOT basement dwelling Gravy SEALs and Meal Team Sixers. I imagine you can understand why, as soon as I hear that a person is a Republican (STILL!), I back away nice and slow.
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