Let’s start the day with a few good haiku-esque koans from Duchess Goldblatt.
Wherever there’s organic matter,If I were to create my own imaginary friend (which would actually be an aspirational version of myself a la Duchess), who would I be?
a water source, and darkness, reality will grow.
Get after it with vinegar, baking soda, and dynamite.
Maybe every truck on the road is filled with eels.
We have no way of knowing.
It would certainly explain why we never see eels roaming free.
Don’t let anyone shame you
for your love of an imaginary friend.
Religions have been founded on less.
A world traveler and bon vivant?
A highly respected archaeologist?
An acclaimed visiting artist/sculptor?
Yes, thank you!
My imaginary me would have always been fabulously self confident, diplomatic, direct and oh so kind but never a doormat—not once...ever. If you underestimate or piss on Imaginary Me just once, you risk losing your precious bits on the shiny scalpel edge of my calm yet withering wit. I would have given Dorothy Parker solid competition.
Imaginary Me would be effortlessly thin and rock the hell out of raw silk sheath dresses, sweats and black leather trousers.
IM would now be retired but, instead of spending ridiculous amounts of time at MGH and MEEI, she would be Nf2-free—jetting off to music festivals around the globe, gawking at pictures and sculptures at the Whitney, MoMA, the Scottish National Gallery, Neue Nationalgalerie, etc. IM would be checking in on the hot, happening digs on the Orkney Islands, Shetland and Iceland.
Yeah, IM is having some big-ass fun.
Ten and I were discussing what we’d like for Thanksgiving dinner. My first thought was, naturally, pie. We agreed on one pecan (MINE) and one Dutch apple, (I’ll sneak a piece—how could I not?).
Now then, pie is the most important part of this holiday (it’s what we’re thankful for after all) but, I guess we should have something more. Ten said he’s got a good recipe for biscuits and gravy. He’ll make it with the apple sage vegan sausage that we both love. I’ll roast up a mess of Brussels sprouts.
Jen and Oni are spending the day out in Amherst with the rest of the McMurrer brood. She says she’s making saag paneer and will make extra for our din-din.

I’m feeling more than a bit frangible of late. Warum? I need more eyelid surgery to counter some of the nasty-ass results from one of my many brain ops. Joy. This’ll be my third go ‘round with this type of surgery. I’m afraid that my field of vision will be greatly reduced (now that my vestibulocochlear nerves are dead, this is where I, mostly, get my sense of balance). This’ll totally up my already prodigious walking challenges. Worse yet, I'll bear a striking resemblance to the worst first lady of all time. Not ideal at all.
I’m feeling a bit Sisyphean this morning.
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