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Sunday, December 25, 2022

O Tannenbaum

Chagall Santa and horse beating Mary
and baby Jeebus with an Xmas tree.
Tradition and shit.

Picasso's Santa
This, if I haven’t mentioned it a zillion times already, is my least favorite holiday EVAH. It was the day my parents had their biggest, scariest, loudest arguments. It seemed to be a competition—who could land the lowest blows. It was also the day my mother put paid to her ridiculous claims of loving us all equally (by giving the most fun, thoughtful gifts to my brother and one of my sisters while I got socks, underwear and hideous sweaters). Daddy, on the other hand, always gave me an album—one I’d been yearning for (usually Simon and Garfunkel).

Ironically, now that I'm, theoretically, an old-ass adult, socks and underwear are perfect presents. Gifts of music? Cruel.

Okay, I take that back…sort of. The Kodo drummers of Japan will be performing at Symphony Hall in March. I’ve been waiting for them to come around since my hearing clocked out 18 years ago. If nothing else, I know I’ll be able to feel the beats. I last saw them in concert ~30 years ago and they were BRILLIANT. I’m PSYCHED! Yep, tickets for the show (for Jen, Oni, Ten and I) are my Xmas prezzie to me. YEA!

So, this is Christmas. We’ll celebrate the traditional way—breakfast with Jen and Oni and then, later, Chinese food and a movie. I totally understand that Alien: Resurrection is more of an Easter flick but there’s at least one alien birth so, in my less than humble opinion, this counts as appropriate for today.

Also, here’s some holiday themed art. You’re welcome.
Ed Wheeler's photoshopped version of  Henri Rousseau's The Dream
Wheeler's version of Nighthawks by Edward Hopper

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