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Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Morning After

Cake is exhausted after dealing with my stress levels yesterday.
Well, I got through my two hour MRI stint without freaking out yesterday. I think I even napped a little while in there.

Yea me.
I’ll get the results on Thursday afternoon when I meet with Doc Plotkin. Worried? Who me? Sure I am but not screamingly so. I mean, I’ve had seven (lucky seven?) brain surgeries to date, if I need another, //shrugs//. What’s one more?

Today, once the rain passes and my Lorazapam hangover lifts, Ten and I will take a walk along the seawall. Later, once my bod’s recovered from the walk, I’ll elliptical. I’m still dreaming of being able to walk without my rollator.

I’ll get there.

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