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Saturday, August 19, 2023


The man’s just a bloated ego on two legs—that’s MusKKK (AKA Space Karen, Cheeto’s younger brother, Melonhead, etc.). There’s no room in his glitching bean for rational thought. His blindingly arrogant, masturbatory self-regard crowds out even the skinniest bit of logic and reason.

The blocking feature will be removed for users of X, formerly Twitter, Elon Musk has announced, claiming the feature "makes no sense. (source)

Makes no sense? How the fuck does blocking NOT make sense?

The purpose of the block feature?

It allows me to limit my Tweetstream to only the people or organizations who post things I’m interested in. It’s similar to a television Parental Control feature.

When I block someone, they no longer see my posts and I don’t see theirs. This means that stalkers, trolls, MAGAts, asshats, rageaholics, Karens and Chads, Republi/Facists, pushy, judgmental “christians” and other assorted, harassing douche-buckets are kept well outside the fence. They can’t view or interact with me and my account. Blocking is a form of self-care.

It’s like fumigating to rid your apartment of cockroaches.  

I block all advertising too.

Space Karen says the mute function will remain. What’s that? When I mute someone, their posts no longer appear on my timeline. That’s nice BUT the person who’s been muted can still see and comment on my posts. They can also direct message me. This is not exactly an effective way to delete shitheelian wonders from what should be a lovely bit of time wasting distraction.

If Musk goes through with his promise, X may be removed from Apple’s App Store. The current guidelines state that apps with user-generated content must provide features such as blocking to protect users from abusive users on apps. (source)
As usual, the rotting Melonhead has not carefully thought things through. How will he replace all of us who are leaving if app stores (not just Apple—Google Play too) won't carry his devolving, decaying site?

This is the last straw and not just for me. Stonekettle's also gone as of today.

…I'm at pains to understand why I should provide the world's richest man with any more free content -- frankly the guy should be paying me. Particularly now that I'll have to deal with thousands upon thousands of trolls, bots, and screaming haters that I am no longer allowed to block while also working through X's garbage basic browser interface. (source

If I can’t tailor my experience to keep the fuckfaced asswipian shit piles away, there’s just no sane reason to sign on. The app formerly known as Twitter will be no different than Cheeto’s House of Dimwitted, Stinky Troglodytes (AKA "Truth" Social).

What an absolute putz!

1 comment:

  1. All these people complaining as if there is a gun being held to your head. Just quit X and find another platform. He does this this along with FB because they know you'll bitch but won't quit as they continue to sell your data to the highest bidder. YOU are the product. So quit them or quit bitching. BTW, another word for blocking is censorship so by staying there you are de facto endorsing it.
