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Friday, August 18, 2023

You say it's your birthday...

 To paraphrase Lennon/McCartney:

It's my birthday too, yeah
They say it's my birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's my birthday
(beats the fuck outta the alternative)
Happy birthday to me!

I’m beginning the day with rain and a physical therapy appointment. After that there’ll be lunch out, cocktails, possibly a nap with my boy Cake and then CAKE!  It’ll be a mellow, non-raucous day, filled with fab food (grilled brussel sprouts, tortellinis, guac and CAKE!), prosecco  (with strawberry slices floating in it) and maybe some teevee time (Good Omens 2—YES!).

I’ve achieved oldness—is that awesome or WUT!? (Yes, this is, in point of fact, wickedly awesome)

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