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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Two years ago today

Two years ago on this day before Thanksgiving, I was inpatient at Spaulding Rehab for the fourth and final time. This was during those two years of four back to back neurosurgeries.

At this point, I’d already been a guest of Spaulding for three weeks. They wanted to extend my stay over the long holiday weekend. I'd been deemed not quite ready for home. More inpatient PT was needed.

I pitched a firm, solid yet diplomatic fit.

I asked what staffing would be like from Thursday through Monday and how many PT sessions would I have on the lightly staffed four day holiday weekend. I pointed out that I would be willing to stay four additional days IF I was going to have my regular, daily balance and strength sessions (one hour each), check ins with the neurologists and the normal complement of nurses and aids on duty. If not, since they planned on cutting me loose Monday anyway, I argued (civilly!) that I'd be better off at home with Ten, Jen, Oni (and the cats, of course).

The case manager and medics looked at the schedule, did the math and *oopsie* I’d only have one day of PT (two versus eight workouts) over the long, lightly staffed weekend. I asked if it really made sense to keep me four more days just to get two more PT sessions. Would those two magically transform me into a stable walking super hero?

It wasn't logical. After a few staff meetings and much delicate but firm pushing from me, they nervously agreed to send me home.

I understood their motivation for wanting me to stick around. I was a GIANT fall risk and, if they let me go early and I fell, they’d undoubtedly be liable in a lawsuit. Also, my insurance would cover me staying over the four day weekend even though I’d, essentially, just be sitting in bed reading the entire time, NOT receiving rehab care.

Keeping me in was about money—lawsuit avoidance—and little else. So I got to come home and, no, I didn't fall (not that weekend anyway).

I’d go out today and take a victory seawall walk but it’s rainy and windy as hell. It’s an elliptical day—not as good of a work out as walking BUT it’s something.

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