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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

I just don't understand

Dreams—what's up with this shit?

I woke from a sad one. I came across Paul Simon (YES Paul Fucking Simon!) on a street corner in Austin, Texas. What the fuck was Paul Simon, a New Yorker fer fuck’s sake, doing in Texas? For that matter, the fuck was I doing there?

Me? I have nieces who live near Austin—maybe I was visiting them. Simon? His wife’s from Dallas. After spending the vast majority of their marital union in New York, they’ve moved to Texas. I seriously don’t understand why anyone would relocate from the Northeast to a state where women are considered to be no more than the property of men.

Women can ‘control their reproductive lives’ without access to abortion; they can do so by refraining from sexual intercourse,” Mitchell wrote in the brief. “One can imagine a scenario in which a woman has chosen to engage in unprotected (or insufficiently protected) sexual intercourse on the assumption that an abortion will be available to her later. But when this court announces the overruling of Roe, that individual can simply change their behavior in response to the court’s decision if she no longer wants to take the risk of an unwanted pregnancy.”
~ former Texas solicitor general Jonathan Mitchell and architect of Texas’s anti-choice bounty hunter law

Apparently this mosquito schwantzed, low brain powered, socially banjaxed reptile doesn't understand that it takes two to make a baby OR that pregnancy is often a life risking undertaking. Do Texas schools not have health classes where human reproduction is covered? Apparently, according to this creep, men and boys in Texas are incapable of donning a working condom—it's all the woman or girl's responsibility. Is there something in the water which short circuits men and boy's brains in this area of the country? How about mandatory vasectomies until they're emotionally mature and financially capable of supporting a child?

Cake is mystified as well

This is a state where marital rape was perfectly legal until 1994. This is a state where a fetus who will die while still in the uterus or shortly thereafter has more rights than the mother (AKA host body, AKA incubator, AKA birth module). The host unit's’s health? Apparently the state of Texas doesn’t give a fuck.

I suppose, despite the vile, horrendous, micro-dicked politics of Simon's wife’s home state, despite her living in a suburb of New York City for 30+ years she still considers Texas home. I don’t get it…not at all.

Back to the dream though—what did Mister Simon and I talk about? He was obviously quite down—near tears even. Living in Texas did not suit him at all. (I TOTALLY understand) He’s 82 years old now and more or less retired. Maybe living in a cultural and human rights wasteland isn’t as much of a burden, annoyance and general hell-on-earth as it would’ve been 10 or 15 years ago?

Now I need a mood lifting cookie.

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