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Friday, July 26, 2024

Is It November Yet?

I have an emotional hangover from all the weeks of mainstream media attacks on Biden with not a word about the corruption, felonies, convictions, constant lies and idiocy of the Trump crime-ing industrial complex.

The talking heads have also not said a word about the convicted felonious fuck’s obvious descent into dementia. His father died in June 1999, eight years after his first formal diagnosis of dementia, and it looks like Cheato is following his lead. Will it be eight long years before ShitzenPantz kicks the bucket?

It wasn’t just Fox, CNN, the Washington Post and the NY Times who engaged in Biden bashing though. Every day, or so it seemed, another prominent Dem Party politician and/or big deal celebrity was calling for the best president in my long lifetime, to step down. These were almost all wealthy, healthy, het, white men—people who would be able to smoothly, easily ride out an Orange Asshole dictatorship.

I’m furious. I feel betrayed. The Party kicked off a Dems in Disarray circular firing squad. They fell for the same old, tired Republican gaslighting.

I no longer feel able to trust the only party who, generally, shows a lick of sense.

Does this mean I’ll start voting third party? Fuck no! Voting for imbeciles like Worm Brain Kennedy or Woo Woo Williamson or Putin’s little buddy, Jill Stein, is the same as voting for the 24/7 Death and Suffering Republicans. NOT voting amounts to the same thing. I’m unable to do much at this stage of my life but I can and will vote. It’s my defense against bullshit extra suffering and an early death.
Trump’s made it clear that he thinks disabled people should just hurry up and die. I’m sure JD Nazi feels the same way. (by the by, did you know that the D in JD, stands for Divan, the sexiest of couches?)

I like MVP Harris A LOT and am excited that she’s the candidate. She’s amazing. I trust her and that’s not something done lightly or easily. I will most def be voting for her and whoever she picks as her VP. Governor Beshear of Kentucky and Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona both strike me as great choices.

Looks like the fecal brained old dumpster fire, who the Grotesque Old Party supports is having serious cold feet about debating a woman who’s a former prosecutor, district attorney, attorney general in California and vice president.
Trump has said he would debate Harris, and face off against her "more than once." But he said on his social media platform that he believes it should be hosted by Fox News, instead of ABC News. The former president called ABC "fake news" and a “joke." (source)
This is his first move in what will be a long drawn out, chicken shit retreat from what would undoubtedly be, for him alone, an absolutely humiliating performance.

Harris on debating the Gish galloping fool?
I'm ready to debate Donald Trump. I have agreed to the previously agreed upon Sept. 10 debate. He agreed to that previously. Now it appears he's backpedaling. (source)

She’s ready to go but the elderly, feeble brained, bully boy’s scared. He’s apparently still aware enough, just barely, to know that a debate with her will reveal to all that he’s nothing more than an incompetent, mentally ill pool of warthog puke.

“So think of it: They get me to that position, and then their campaign says, ‘I’m the prosecutor, and he is the convicted felon.’ That’s their campaign,” Trump said. “I don’t think people are going to buy it.” (source)

I think they will…except for his diehard cult of dimwits.

He’s toast and he knows it. The decaying griftasaurus already played his histrionic, lying-ass stack of fire hose bombast. He doesn’t have any other tricks hidden in his diaper.

So then, I’m thrilled to my core about Kamala Harris being our candidate. The way Biden played the GOP with  the timing of his withdrawal from the race was absolutely masterful. He has, so far, been the best, most inclusive and incisive president of my long lifetime.
The great thing about America is here, kings and dictators do not rule — that people do,” Biden said as he closed his address. “History is in your hands. The power is in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands.(source)
Yes, it is. VOTE!


  1. The mainstream media are owned by [companies that are owned by companies that are owned by] the billionaire financial parasite class. Those same billionaires also exert strong influence over many politicians, including Democrats, via their campaign contributions.

    They didn't like Biden's talk of a billionaire tax and other efforts to restore reasonable tax rates on the super-wealthy, which he might actually have been able to enact in a second term, if the Democrats got a majority in both houses. It's already bad enough that the IRS is using its new funding to go after rich tax cheats.

    That's why they set out to destroy him, using the media and politicians they control as utensils for that purpose.

    After they succeeded in taking Biden down, it remains to be seen whether Harris or any other politician for a generation will dare seriously challenge them.

    1. I have a lot of hope but, at the same time, a solid let’s wait and see attitude. First, Harris needs to win. Next, it’s imperative she gets a Democratic majority in both House and Senate. The second part is far less of a sure thing.

  2. Amen, thank you for this. I was one of many who canceled my long time subscription to the NYT after they repeatly missed the obvious deterioration in the TFG. Bidens timing was masterful and I'm hoping that the Harris campaign is savvy enough to feature a hat with the emoji (, La)

    1. There’s a really attractive ball cap on the WH merch site It’s not , la but I like it. There are ,la hats and Ts on Etsy and elsewhere but I’m guessing none of the $$ goes to her campaign.

      I unsubscribed to both the Times and the Post years ago. They’re just shills for the billionaires now. I get most of my news from The Guardian and the BBC. Not perfect but better.

      Also, you’re welcome!
