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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Words, Ocean Life and Self-Care

Word for the Day:
: construction (as of a sculpture or a structure of ideas) achieved by using whatever comes to hand

Bricolage is a French word meaning, roughly, ‘do-it-yourself.’ In art it refers to creators who use a varied range of non-traditional art materials. Someone who engages in bricolage is called a bricoleur.

My brain is, essentially, an ever shifting bricolage in its structure, functional capacity and general appearance. It’s a good brain but it probably looks and works as efficiently as a Rube Goldberg self-operating napkin.

I woke up from some kind of heavy anxiety/major disappointment/heartbreaker of a dream and I can’t remember AT ALL what the damn thing was about. Not even a wisp of its essence remains in my bean. HOW can I work through the dream’s meaning (or understand why I woke near tears and in a pool of sweat) if I can’t recall a goddamn thing?

This, THIS, seems like a big fucking glitch in my basic operating system. Clearly I need to call in IT or some other cerebrum specialist.
…on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.
~ Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Dolphins aren’t wrong. Neither are my aggressive, playful Orca buds. Yes, I bought the shirt and will proudly wear it in support of southern resident killer whales. There are only 73 remaining in the U.S. and that’s majorly fucked up.

Get your goddamn yachts and pricey pleasure boats out of the orca’s homes!!! How would you like it if a party of killer whales barged into your home while you’re trying to set the table and make dinner, hmmmmmmm?

Today I’m staying off Threads, Substack, blogs and the news in general. I need a break from the mainstream media’s transparent, disingenuous, weasel shit efforts to sabotage Biden (and democracy) in order to fluff and install their clickbait, reality show, mob boss styled candidate. 

Unsurprisingly, the let’s-make-this-a-horse-race crowd is made up of primarily of white billionaire penis proprietors whose only concern is making EVEN MORE insane amounts of buckos. Their gaming of the race and destroying democracy? The fact that SO many of us (who neglected to be born wealthy, white, straight and male) will suffer and die under Project 2025 (AKA Agenda 47)? It doesn’t matter to them. Only money matters. The dictator worshipping, thoroughly unhinged treason, tangerine twat is their cash cow.

I did peek in on Jeff Tiedrich though who neatly wrapped things up in his post chill the fuck out, Joe Biden’s got this:

last night, Joe took an hour-long cognitive test on live TV
goddammit, foreign leaders — the American media has a Narrative to push and every one of you is fucking it up by refusing to play along. the press is pining for a return to the days when the Real U.S. President brought the bubble-headed daughter he wants to quote-unquote “date” along with him to such meetings and set her down, front and center.
I would fucking love for our worthless media to start demanding that Donald Trump face an hour-long unscripted press conference — because Donny could absolutely not answer a single one of those questions. he would be fucking lost.
Yeah, I’m done with the news for today. Not being taken for a hell-ride by self dealing, gaslighting, rich white fuckers who won’t feel so much as a shiver if Donnie Demento and his Heritage Foundation puppet masters take over is self care.

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