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Thursday, August 1, 2024


Femme aux Bras Croisés—Picasso


It’s one thing to recognize this. It’s another to think of ways to become less snoozifyed. The third and biggest part of this equation is actually incorporating new-ish bits in my daily routine. To paraphrase Frank-N-Furter don't dream it, DO it!  

Have I always been so slow about improving my existence or is this new?

I’ve talked about watching movies on my DVD player as a way of chilling and relieving stress. I need to get Jen to show me how to work the machine and remote first. Also, I need to borrow movies from her and Oni. Since my teevee isn’t hooked up to the interwebz, I suppose I can’t check out films online from the library. That’s all done via the internet now, right? Obvs, I don’t know how all this works. Maybe the library still has disks that I can borrow? Maybe I can cruise around online and find secondhand disks of flicks that I'd liket to rewatch, like Wings of Desire, Fanny and Alexander, every movie by Robert Altman and more. 

Question: now that I’m deaf, will I enjoy Koyaanisqatsi as much as I did way back when it first came out? The score is by Philip Glass.

I said I wanted to start knitting again. I found (okay, Jen found) my needles and yarn this past weekend. What’s stopping me? Why haven’t I cast on yet? //shrugs//

I STILL haven’t completed my tax prep paperwork. I know, I know, I’m ridiculously late. I should take advantage of this Dull Donna period and just fucking do it.

Visiting the Museum of Fine Arts would be cool BUT that would involve a lot more walking than I can manage at this point. I can view art online though. I can engage in artscrolling versus doomscrolling. That sounds a lot more healthy than reading about the vile thoughts and plans of Spanky, the Sofa King and their puppetmasters.

I can virtually visit The Rijkmuseum, The Tate, MoMA, the Leopold Museum all without leaving home. I’ll add virtual museuming to my list.

I’m not strong enough to travel at this point, so doing a little road-trippy tour of the upper New England states isn’t gonna happen. Also, it’s tourist season. Too many maskless, potential COVID carriers out there. Also, the weather, though less hellacious, is still too damn hot. I’d rather go in late September or early October anyway—leaves are on the trees, kiddles are back in school, fewer people around, a sweater or hoodie is enough outerwear.

I wonder if Maine’s cryptids will have gone into hibernation in early October. DO they all hibernate?

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