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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Postscript — Momsters and Yeas

An additional bit to yesterday’s Rules for Dating My Son rant. Apart from the immense, utterly tiny brained, shoot-yourself-in-the-foot, reverse Oedipal complexing, stupid psychopathy (OK, take a breath Donna) behind a meme like that, I ran into just this sort of mother no fewer than three times during my high school years.

Now, back then, I was a real sweet kid. I didn’t swear, drug or drink. I studied hard, played flute in the marching band (GEEK!), liked to read sci fi and had an upbeat personality. Sound great, no? Dunno what in Bast’s name put these three mothers off their kibble about me, I really don’t. I had a personality, a sense of humor and a damned nice figure. What's not to love?

It amazed me that these Momsters would take pimple ridden romances so damned seriously. For that matter, two of the three boys were platonic pals — we just liked to hang out together. We didn’t even snog — not once!

Also too, honestly now, how many teen amours last past graduation day? How many of those survive beyond the college years? Even 16-17 year old me wasn’t thinking, expecting or even wanting the long haul deal. Hells, our lives were just beginning. There was SO MUCH life to explore!

Wouldn’t a middle aged person understand this? Apparently not.

I actually know how two of the three boys made out, marital-wise.

Mister John Scalzi tweets hilariously on marriage equality
Carl married a girl he met in college. They’re both engineer types, live in the Silicon Valley and have two beautiful, brilliant daughters. He and I are still friends which is awesome.

Gordon, whose mother pronounced that it was her or me and quit speaking to him or acknowledging his existence until he broke up with me (yeah, she sounds sane, eh?), moved out West somewhere. He joined a christian-by-way-of-Rush-Limbaugh church (i.e., the antithesis of Christianity) and took up with a 16 year old high school girl (he was 25). They married after her graduation and had a dozen kids or so.

Train wreck!

And then there’s me. How did I make out — this girl they felt would be a corrupting, vile influence on their sons? A snake looking for a fat walleted, adoring Renfield?

Fabulously darlings, just 5,012 kinds of tremendous!

In other fab city news, the red state of Indiana has decided to do something right.

Over here at Liz Boltz Ranfeld’s blog you can find, aside from her fabulous post from January Why I Oppose HJR-6, Indiana’s Discriminatory Marriage Amendment, a map showing which states have marriage equality, which don’t and the ones where “there is not a majority of residents who are opposed to same-sex marriage" in light blue — Hello Indiana, you can now go navy blue!

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