As Thomas Friedman (and I can’t believe I’m quoting him) put it, AIPAC has let itself become the slavish, unthinking tool of Netanyahu...I believe AIPAC works against Israel’s long-term interests. FYI, Netanyahu’s a right wing extremist – doubtless one of Orange Maggot Brain’s heroes.
So much of Democratic strategy has been drawn up out of fear of what the magical spinning power of the conservative media apparatus might do with it that good issue positions, good candidates, and good ideas got undermined by a predictable and permanent institutional flinch.Go read the rest of Mr. Pierce’s post. As uszh he’s spot on.
If you see any Democrats soft-pedaling a massive approach to the climate crisis because somebody yells "socialism!", then you're seeing the flinch again. If you see any Democrats running away from reproductive rights because of this absurd "executing babies" trope that's become so popular recently, that's the flinch, too. (source)
So Ima wonderin’ – when will the Dems stop dancing to the RepubliFascist’s Machiavellian tunes?
The R/F’s, who are purposely conflating a right wing lobbying group with the actual Jewish people, are doing nothing more than fluffing their spectacularly dimwitted evangelical marks. These cretins ONLY give a fuck about Israel, and Jewish people in general, because their little holy book (perverted to fit their prejudices du jour) sez that Israel will be ground zero for the Apocalypse.
All GOOD little evangelical christians (and ONLY evangelical christians) get to duck the messy Armageddon-y horror coz they’ll be raptured up to Angel Cloud Land where they’ll wear white, WHITE robes and have 24/7 good evangelical christian, WHITE, het fun in their paradisaical WHITE, het, republican heaven.
Israel’s just a tool, a means to the BIG end for them.
Why do the R/F’s bother with all the fluffing? The evangechrists are easy, cheap marks. Catering to their massively hypocritical bullshit prejudices is an effortless glide for the Party of Grifters. Stroking these mega-rubes is how asswipes like Steve King and Dense Pence keep their undeserved, high paying, phony baloney gigs.

OH and then we have more weasel shit from our own, modern day Irma Grese – Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen. This horror show human has the mother fucking audacity to straight face say that:
A) there was NO policy to separate families.Ya know, if you’re gonna tell such spectacularly obvious lies, you ought to at least make sure that you can’t easily be caught out.
Compelling new evidence has emerged revealing that high-level Department of Homeland Security officials were secretly and actively developing a new policy and legal framework for separating families as far back as December 2017. (source)And
B) she goes on to MONDO fallaciously claim that “There was no parent who has been deported to my knowledge without multiple opportunities to take their children with them,” (source)SUCH BULLSHIT!
Fluorescent Orange Hitler’s own administration has copped to the obscene reality that nearly 500 parents were deported without the chance, the opportunity to reunite with their children.
//shudder// Think I’m gonna hit the Y early and swim laps until all I can think about is cake and kittens. Yup, that’s the plan.
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