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Ed Wexler |
The only good thing about that scary-ass eye crapoli with the mondo fear of losing my wonky-yet-adorably-useful left eye (besides the happy ending) is that I didn’t have the bandwidth to spare on the heinousosity of the insane Republi/Fascists and their Dimbulbed Fat Hitler of a standard bearer.
Did I miss anything good? No, not so much. The diseased, diarrheal shit hurricane that is the Executive-time branch and Republi/Fascist led Senate continues its democracy shredding antics. Nothing to see here – move along, move along.
Coating my still delicate and exhausted tĂȘte (almost losing an important body part wears me clean out – HEY, you’d be a little beat too!) in Stainless Steel, I waded into Shower Cap’s latest news round up. I’m horrified of course but ever so grateful to get my summary of the hellish doings with a giant side of wit.
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Matt Wuerker |
Cementing his status as the Wayne Gretzky of Losing in Court, Hairplug Himmler’s latest attempt to get Congressional Democrats’ emoluments clause lawsuit thrown out failed so badly he probably thought he was asking Salma Hayek out again. The ruling comes just in time, since we learned that seven different foreign governments have been leasing property in one of his hideous condo towers, something something Jimmy Carter’s peanut farm.Go read the whole column – it’s so worth it.
And then, feeling all brave and shit, I read a few other things.
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Rob Rogers |
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill on Thursday that could curtail voter registration drives by imposing fines of up to $10,000 on groups that submit incomplete registration forms, even though they’re required by state law to hand in any registration forms they collect. (source)And in Texas:
“SB 9 would sharply escalate the state’s ongoing campaign of voter suppression,” voting rights groups wrote to state lawmakers, “by spreading fear that people may be thrown in jail for honest mistakes while trying to vote.” Nearly 10,000 voters had their ballots rejected in 2018 in the state’s five largest counties for reasons like voting in the wrong precinct; now that could subject them to criminal prosecution. (source)
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Mike Luckovich |
A federal court on Friday tossed out Ohio’s congressional map, ruling that Republican state lawmakers had carved up the state to give themselves an illegal partisan advantage and to dilute Democrats’ votes in a way that predetermined the outcome of elections. (source)Now I feel sufficiently caught up on the last two weeks here in the land that used to aspire to democracy versus authoritarian regime-hoodedness. I’m up to date and, naturally, now angry and sad. Can we move to Iceland now? Just until this shit’s in the rear view mirror, K?
Also, now that my corneal ulcer’s history, can I please get back in the pool? Can I get back to swimming my meditative laps now please, please, OH PUH-LEESE!
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