a quantity or consignment of salable items, as an order, shipment, etc.
OR, in this case:
a misrepresented, fraudulent, or defective article.
“Even though Real Estate Barbie and Bizarro Ken have no business whatsoever working in the White House, perhaps they’ll serve as a moderating influence that will save us from their father‘s worst impulses.” (source)Real Estate Barbie?
AKA Nepotism Barbie, AKA The Human Shaped Supermarket Sheet-cake, AKA Out-of-Touch Fluff and Miss Insubstantial.
Bizarro Ken?
AKA Vanilla ISIS, AKA The Crown Prince of Babble-On, AKA The Blackmailers' Bonanza and The Prim & Proper Fascist.

Imma hoping Don-the-Asswipe Junior does time, serious time and his brother, the dumb one in a family of idiots, could maybe keep his ugly mouth AND his tacky wife’s shut.
Remember, this November, BLUE NO MATTER WHO!
NOT voting is the same as casting your very precious vote for Trump – ya know, Preznant Shitheel Tangerine Voldemort.
I will cast my vote for Warren in the Massachusetts Primary. I feel she’s the smartest, most prepared, most accomplished, most in line with me and mine AND, of the three frontrunners, she’s the youngest. Bernie will be 80(!) and Biden 79(!) on inauguration day. Warren will be 72. I’d like someone younger than me to win but Harris and Booker, my other two picks, have dropped out.
PLEASE check your voter registration. Make sure you’re registered and get out there and VOTE in the primary AND the big day, November third!
Yes, yes, yes. With any one of our candidates as president, we wouldn't need to lie awake nights desperately pinning our hopes on a spaced-out handbag designer to have enough presence of mind to stop him or her from doing something so stupid and/or vicious that the country never recovers.
ReplyDeleteSome days I wonder if it's already too late. :-(