Over the next coupla days, I met his kids (and most of his grandkiddles). They bid one another tearful farewells – my guilt at stealing their old man ratcheted up to 11. I promised them that Da would be back for visits (ya know, time off for good behavior and shit) and that they’re all more than welcome to visit him here in Valhalla.
And then we were on the road, arriving home two and one half weeks and 3,259 miles later. If I haven’t mentioned this already, I’m now in love with the states of Montana and Minnesota .
This past year, our first together, has been BIG with the assholian health crap – my near constantly dodgy left eye probs and then there was the elephantine meningioma in ma tête that HAD to be evicted. I'm doing much better now and my hair's even begun to grow back BUT the Recovery Road is long and slow-going.
This shit feels unendingly brutal to yurs truly – I can only imagine what it’s like for my hero, Monsieur Ten Bears. His first year living with moi has been a real trial by flaming hellfire.
I’ve not noticed any packed bags and he’s met my fears, telling me that he’s here for the long haul. Ten – he’s made of kind, loving, sturdier and stronger stuff than most. Yes, I DO, in fact, know how lucky I am – first with The Amazing Bob and now with Ten.
So, what are we doing to celebrate one year of happy shacked-up-ness? After a visit with one of Mass Eye and Ear’s cornea specialists this afternoon (yes, the old left eye is up to its old crimson tricks. I may become a one eyed wonder after all), we’ll meet Jen and Oni for a celebratory din-din.
That is IF the restaurant hasn't shut due to the Coronavirus. *sigh*
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