Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. (source)
It’s done to create the impression of wide public support for the bullshit du jour by paying people (or organizations) to demonstrate, write letters to the editor, troll blogs and call politicians
Astroturfing is the exact opposite of "grassroots," genuine public support of an issue.
Who are the backers, the money men behind those rabid right-to-haircut/nail-job/mall shopping yahoos? Here's a small list found on a quick google-dive:
Obvs these are nowhere near actual grassroots, real people protests.
A spokes-idiot from the organization ReOpen Maryland spewed the canned lunatic scam point:
At the Pine Street Inn, a homeless shelter here in Boston, there was a small cluster of positive Covid-19 test results so they decided to test everyone.
Just FY-fucking-I:
It’s done to create the impression of wide public support for the bullshit du jour by paying people (or organizations) to demonstrate, write letters to the editor, troll blogs and call politicians
Astroturfing is the exact opposite of "grassroots," genuine public support of an issue.
Who are the backers, the money men behind those rabid right-to-haircut/nail-job/mall shopping yahoos? Here's a small list found on a quick google-dive:
- The Michigan Freedom Fund which received 500Gs (!) from Ed. Sec. Betsy DeVos’s family.
- Michigan Conservative Coalition, founded by Matt Maddock, now a Republi/Fascist member of the state house of representatives
- Operation Gridlock Annapolis was supported in part by Maryland’s dickheaded “conservative” elected officials.
- ReOpen Virginia was organized and funded by Virginia Citizens Defense League, a gun rights group who make deep pocket donations to politicos.
Obvs these are nowhere near actual grassroots, real people protests.
A spokes-idiot from the organization ReOpen Maryland spewed the canned lunatic scam point:
You poor, sad, incredibly stupid, rhino breathed, rabid weasel ass. Have you heard about incubation periods? This is when you’ve already GOT the virus but haven’t gone full blown sick yet. You see, you present as healthy but you’re not – you’re walking around spreading plague germs, sowing disease seeds to everyone who has the misfortune to be in contact with you. You can also be a virus carrier and not ever suffer.“Government mandating sick people to stay home is called quarantine,” ReOpen Maryland said. “However, the government mandating healthy citizens to stay home, forcing businesses and churches to close is called tyranny.” (source)
At the Pine Street Inn, a homeless shelter here in Boston, there was a small cluster of positive Covid-19 test results so they decided to test everyone.
Of 397 people tested, 146 — or 36% — came up positive, BHCHP President Dr. Jim O'Connell says. But another finding jumped out at clinicians.
Ashley Smith, co-founder of Reopen North Carolina, is, like her ReOpen Maryland counterpart, woefully ignorant and utterly devoid of compassion for her fellow humans."Every one of these folks were asymptomatic. None of them had a fever, and none of them reported symptoms," O'Connell explains. (source)
“We’re not guaranteed in a constitution a pathogen-free or virus-free existence,” she said. “To live is to take risks. Everyone has to make a decision about how to live.” (source)So Ashley, you and your fellow dimwitted rubes don’t see the “life” part of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as a self-evident, inalienable right, eh?
Just FY-fucking-I:
A bipartisan majority of Americans said they want to continue to shelter in place to protect themselves from the coronavirus, despite the impact to the economy, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll that also showed a decline in approval of Trump’s response to the pandemic. (source)The big reveal? Trump and his MAGAts are nothing more than a death cult in shabby “pro-life” schmattas.
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