What then? BAM! I was wide awake, plagued by every fear, worry and unresolved annoyance that’s been simmering on my bean’s back burner.
Fer instance – yesterday Ten and I went for a walk around Nut Island. The paved trail is exactly one mile which, as yet, is the best I can do. It was a stunningly gorgeous day so, naturally, there were a lot of other folks getting fresh air and exercise. Every time we passed a clot of potential Trump Plague carriers, I donned my face mask and hid behind my man.
Yeah, apparently, I am WAY afraid of getting the Prez Stupid authored disease and, ya know, suffering terminal croak-age.
The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed…
~ Joseph Heller, Catch-22
Doltish Don, that cut-rate liposuction clinic dumpster of a human, is gonna get us all dead in order to save himself.
A headline in yesterday’s online Newsweek:
Kentucky Reports Highest Coronavirus Infection Increase After a Week of Protests to Reopen StateMeanwhile that state’s Republi/Fascist legislature is ramping up its voter suppression bullshit. Of course. These criminally tyrannical bin brains can only win by cheating.
And the Orange Menace screams “FIRE” in our crowded, unstable theater/country. Why? To inflame and rally his heavily armed, histrionic, victim-mentalitied, fuckwitted rubes. The news reports are filled with these perm-a-raging, tiny brained chumps, providing their Dear Leader with respite/cover from the reports of his mammoth, life-extinguishing failures.
Like the mob boss he is, 45 has quite the history of inciting violence and other dangerous idiocy from his cult of rancid suckers. Our heinously embarrassing, fraud rocking, rotted slug corpse of a prez is quite the stellar peach, no?
Just FY-fucking–I:
…if your speech creates a clear and present danger, the first amendment will no protect you, even if the danger does not result in actual harm. (source)Prez Shit for Brains is all about the show, the spectacle and should be in ADX Florence NOW!
There is no strength to be gained from hurting one another. Only weakness.
~ Ursula K. Le Guin
Just so's ya know, a full throated rant brings me closer to fine. Yeah, it does and maybe I'll sleep tonight too.
Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
~ Carl Sagan, The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God
I aim to be an exception. I WILL live through this.
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