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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

They Say It's My Birthday

Huh. I've hung one more year on the line and shit. Waddya know?

I ain't perfect. Nope, far the fuck from it and I've not accomplished much.
  • I’m not a world renowned artist.
  • I’ve only completed one measly degree (a B.A. in art with a minor concentration in music).
  • I haven’t had a blisteringly awesome working career.
  • Undoubtedly, yet inadvertently, I offend and disappoint friends, fam, strangers and assorted randos on the regular. (for which I am situationally sorry. YES, fer reals and shit!)
  • I’ve not hiked the Inca Trail or taken the Transsiberian from Moscow to Vladivostok and doubt, at this point, I ever will. (priorities shift, don’cha know)
  • I never moved to Berlin (a pre Nf2 notion) or saved the world, a la Constance Verity.
  • While I'm a work in perpetual, slow motion progress I, and this is key, like me.
  • Self-evolution and me are buds. 
  • I've survived/am surviving (ongoing struggle and shit) the loss of hearing and music, the ridiculous and ultra annoying preponderance of tumors shacking up in my brain and spine AND the fact that I can't seem to lose those persistently clingy, asshole 20 pounds.
  • Inexplicably, I get to live with the most amazing crew – Ten, Jen, Oni AND our herd of cat. Weird how they put up with me, no?
  • I get to paint and doodle as much as I want and read ALL the science fiction – high school dreams come true!
  • I live in a sweet little cottage by the ocean in a state with a distinct minority of shitheelian, asswipe Fascists.
All this PLUS my bday falls on Taco Tuesday this year. What, I'm askin' ya, WHAT'S not to love?! 


  1. Happy YOU Day!! This is an excellent post, an affirmation of what's truly important.

  2. So you're a Leo (maybe Leona is more apropos), child of fixed fire (hold the brimstone). "Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job #1 for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that this horoscope sign is also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else." One of my best friends (long ago) was a Leo and an accomplished artist.

    1. I am, in so many ways, SUCH a Leo. I suspect though, I've got some irascible cranky and semi-introverted sign rising ("rising?" "setting?" hovering in the wings?).
