In my post 19 Years Late (originally titled 11 Years Late because, 2020-2001=??? Math – ‘the fuck’s zat shit?) I spoke of the sudden disappearance of the strange monolith 20 miles southwest of Moab, Utah. Well, boyhowdy, it (or something wildly similar) has just appeared in Romania, close to the Petrodava Dacian Fortress, a well-known archaeological landmark.
Well, how 'bout that?
You know what this means? OH yeah, damn straight, this is assuredly a super-duper strength listening/surveying device sent by the Universal Overmind. Dude’s gonna make his move and soon-ish.
The Overmind is a universal cosmic consciousness that will come to Earth and absorb a portion of humanity into itself, allowing humanity to live on through the ages in a higher form of existence. (source)What I wanna know is this, where’s Overlord Karellen? (or Kevlar as I am wont to call him/her) I mean, seriously now, Kev IS Earth’s supervisor, according to Mr. Clarke, so shouldn’t he be here and on the job?
Just in case you missed the book and/or movie, the Overlords work for the Overmind. They’re our arcane magic shepherds, who just so happen to look like the age-old human conception of the devil. The Overlords watch over us and herd us into the next level of human evolution. Despite our preconceived notions about their skinsuits, they're on Team Good.
The other night we watched the end of the Childhood’s End miniseries. All in all, I believe it’s well done BUT, naturally, I’ve a few complaints. Don’t I always?
For starters, this is some heavy-ass, deep, allegorical shit to process. That’s good, right? Yes, in-fucking-deed BUT, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. Ya know, between trying to survive in this Republican banjaxed country (with its Republican ignored and inflamed plague), there's also my very own fucked up health. Hence, my need for allegory free, escapist, space operas with happy endings.
It could be said that Childhood’s End DOES have a happy ending. After all, humanity gets to evolve beyond our current cruel, petty, viciously violent, power and money mad state of being.
OK fine. Still, the show could’ve done with some, totally inappropriate but always welcome, Joss Whedon humor, sparkly vampires and magic cats.My second complaint – women were portrayed as nice, supportive helpmates but no more. The astrophysicist’s scientist girlfriend, while a total smart cookie, doesn’t get to go on the big universe traversing adventure. She stays home to weep over the loss of her man. There’s ONE exception to the good-woman-but-not-a-player trope. It’s, of course, a crazed religious zealot – a total twatzilla. She seems enraged by the peace, the lack of suffering, poverty and hunger. Why? Because, I’m guessing here, the shepherds of Earth’s new Golden Age don’t look like her narrow-minded, Republican white Jesus, fluffy bunny ideal.
So, the only female who’s strong and a take charge type – not just some dude’s lovely and, possibly, not stupid arm-piece – is a deranged, bigoted, violent crazoid. She’s Paula White on crack with a gun.
Splendid. Just what we DON'T need.
Finally, what the Universal Overmind and Overlords gave to the planet came at a very weird cost. We got peace and plenty but the price was our creativity. C’mon man and what the actual fuck?!
Art and music are NOT singly sparked. Adversity isn’t the only kindling for great art. You want examples? I’ll give you some damn examples!
Vivaldi’s Four Seasons – specifically SpringAnd I’m not just painting my pains and losses either. Honestly, how dull would that be?
Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring
Gustav Klimt’s DanaĆ«
Kehinde Wiley’s amazing portraiture
Led Zeppelin’s Whole Lotta Love anyone?
So, this peace at the cost of art screams of unnecessary, bullshit PLOT DEVICE. To me anyway. Also, how golden is a theoretical Golden Age if I can’t paint? I’m askin’ ya!
It's the intensity of your painting that grabs me. The confident paint strokes and bold colors are wonderful. I like the gerbera daisy but the blue and green, wow, it looks like a cosmic portal.
ReplyDelete:-) Thank you VERY much, Pam!