Like Ms.Patti LaBelle so famously sang, “I’ve got a new attitude.’ What’s that all about, you may be asking.
I’ve been, pretty much, dreading all the upcoming hospital and rehab time. I mean, on top of the fear factor, I’ll be away from Valhalla from mid-March though all or most of April AND I’ll be missing the in person love and support of my fam too.
Here’s the deal though, I’ve begun looking at this coming time as a vaca. That is, I can sleep all I want, someone will bring me food three times a day — yes, that happens now, here at home BUT, at MGH, I won’t feel guilty for having Jen, Ten and Oni jump through hoops for me — a nurse will help me bathe, there will be in house PT (like a fancy, schmancy, I-can't-afford-this-shit spa!) and an employee, not Jen and Ten, will do all the cleaning. So, amongst other things, this is a holiday from guilt.

April is primo here in Valhalla, The birds are back, the ocean smells GLORIOUS, flowers are blooming every-damn-where! I’m gonna miss it. Granted, it’ll still be much like that in early May. What will I do when I'm sprung from MGH? I’ll pad the shit out of my Adirondack chair, get a stack of books and keep the cat treats close by for our outdoor visitors. Imma sit out on the porch enjoying the fuck outta the view and smells of spring
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