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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Birthday, Birthday

Waddya know, I’ve made it to 64! 

Had I known I'd last this long, I would’ve taken better care of my teeth. No, no, that’s not true. I regularly brushed and flossed, visited the dentist whenever I could afford it (I only had dental coverage for a brief period of time at one of my jobs and, boyhowdy, it didn’t cover much) plus I had two of my wisdom teeth out. This was before I decided that I was NOT up for any more of that brand of barbarism. Had I understood the absolutely primitive nature of the procedure, I would have said put me in the hospital for an overnight, knock me fully OUT and yank them all at one go. AND this is coming from a woman (moi!) who's had seven brain surgeries, four spine ops, seven eye procedures and two rounds of radiation. I'm decidedly NOT a med weenie.


What else would I have done differently had I known I’d last this long? Exercised, moisturized and meditated more? Yeah probably.

Hindsight’s a bitch and a half.

What's the plan for today? Reading, rehab exercising, playing with Cake (I'm just one spectacularly wild kind of a gal, n'est-ce pas?). Tonight there'll be calzones, carrot cake and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds with Jen, Oni and Ten.

When I get older losing my hair
Many years from now
Will you still be sending me a Valentine
Birthday greetings, bottle of wine
If I'd been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four

You'll be older too
And if you say the word
I could stay with you

I could be handy, mending a fuse
When your lights have gone
You can knit a sweater by the fireside
Sunday mornings go for a ride
Doing the garden, digging the weeds
Who could ask for more
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four

Every summer we can rent a cottage
In the Isle of Wight
If it's not too dear
We shall scrimp and save
Grandchildren on your knee
Vera, Chuck & Dave

Send me a postcard, drop me a line
Stating point of view
Indicate precisely what you mean to say
Yours sincerely, wasting away

Give me your answer, fill in a form
Mine for evermore
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four

~ The Beatles


  1. I have "good" dental insurance and it only covers $1,500/yr including cleaning. Pbthffff.

    Happy You Day!! You're a beautiful, clever, tie-dyed goddess! Keep trucking!
