What precisely don’t I care about? What people choose to do with their very own bodies.
That is, you want to get your privates pierced? Maybe your tongue or your nips? Maybe you want a face tattoo or, possibly, your whole bod—top to bottom ? How about those disks some folks have in their earlobes? Ugly as hell as but it’s your ear not mine.
Same for plastic surgery. Madonna, fer instance, doesn’t look like Madonna anymore but it’s her body/her business.
Cher has famously had a bunch of work done. She’s always been gorgeous and never needed so much as a tweak to look beautiful but, again, her body/her business.
Micky Rourke looks like a lab accident now but his body/his business.
I have opinions (e.g., Mrs. Trump looked better when she had eyes that opened and breasts that didn’t look more like flotation devices than a human body part). That’s all they are—my unasked for opinions.
Then there’s gender change. You feel you should have been born the opposite sex and want to do something surgical and permanent about that? Do it up mes amis—your body/your biz. I find it confusing and disturbing (to say the least) that anyone feels they’ve the right to judge how another lives their life. How does someone else’s gender change personally effect you?
Transgender people are over four times more likely than cisgender people to experience violent victimization, including rape, sexual assault, and aggravated or simple assault, according to a new study by the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law. In addition, households with a transgender person had higher rates of property victimization than cisgender households. (source)
There are a shit-ton of vile, dangerous people on the planet. They’re usually found in positions of power—politicians, clergy, police and upper level biz types. How many of these people are trans? Unknown, but I’d bet the farm it’s an incredibly minuscule fraction of the whole.
Is it just plain laziness that leads the relatively powerless to attack and otherwise bully the fuck out of trans folk? I’m sure it’s a lot easier to pour out belligerent abuse on someone who’s perceived as vulnerable and helpless—much easier than attempting to assault or slander a person who could have you fired or arrested. Infinitely easier than attacking someone who’s near impossible to reach (such as your preacher, House Rep., reality show Prez).
What’s the point of today’s diatribe? Mind your own damn business and keep your nose out of other people’s knickers.
As Cher famously said,
It makes me happy. You know, if I want to put my tits on my back, they're mine to do so.
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