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Friday, September 8, 2023

Don’t feed the trolls

What is a troll?

(in Scandinavian stories) a creature that looks like an ugly person. Some trolls are very large and evil, others are small and friendly but like to trick people. (source)

An internet troll, or online bully, deliberately tries to offend, cause trouble or directly attack people by posting derogatory comments…

Trolling describes the act of posting harassing and humiliating comments on social media platforms to elicit a negative response from one or more recipients. (source)

Trolls look for reasons to hate but really what they are mad at is the fact they are not included in anything ever.
~ Dane Cook

Trolls are desperately insecure (with good reason), angry-ass, failed humans (most often of the midget-dick-toting genus) whose only joy in life is unleashing their puerile, drool infused, know-nothing diatribes on those they feel are inferior. This includes anyone who holds opinions, beliefs, facts or ideas that are outside the troll’s fearful, mentally unstable groupthink. Trolls are NOT interested in facts or nuances.

Original troll
They’re particularly inclined to launch attacks on women, people of color, the ill or disabled, anyone who speaks more than one language, etc. Bast forbid you be a self-confident, upbeat, intelligent, disabled woman of color who speaks English and Spanish.

Trolls are slow in the uptake, and mighty suspicious about anything new to them.
~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Anyone can speak troll. All you have to do is point and grunt.

~ J.K. Rowling
Why is it smart to NOT feed the trolls? They’re not interested in conversation. They don’t give a diseased rat’s ass for understanding an opinion or life that varies from their own. What they want is a fight where they’ll always be the clear winner.

There is NO point engaging with these absolutist nitwits. This includes deleting their attacks. To them, tossing their willfully ignorant, weasel shit “arguments” in the bin is a win. They interpret it as I succeeded in hurting her feelings/showing her whose boss/owning the lib.

Nope. I don’t respond because these one-dimensional, bent brained grotesques aren’t worth my time. They’re like annoying flies who’ve managed to get into the house on a hot summer day.

Trolls are the main reason I left the dying site formerly known as the Bird app. Ultimately, I found that half my time was spent blocking the asswipian, no-dicked trolls (after reading all the, often hilarious counterattacks). Sure, that was fun…at first. Then it was boring.

Trolls are tediously unimaginative, unintelligent, reality averse and just flat out boring. If not for their incredible patheticness they’d be laughable.

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