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Thursday, November 16, 2023


What‘s all this about ghost busses? Was that the name of the van on Scooby Do? No, no, that was the Mystery Machine. Maybe it was the Ghost Busters’ ride?

Ya know what? I don’t care. It sounds like some idiocy thought up by the batshit party (formerly known as the Republi/Fascist Fuckwad Brigade) to gull their easily frightened rubes. And waddya know— it IS!

THIS is how they “earn” their hefty, taxpayer paid, salaries. They pull insane buzz riddled conspiracy crap out of their asses and tell the marks it’s scary reality. The suckers fall for it EVERY damn time too.

Did you know?
Octopuses are found in every ocean of the world and along every coast of the United States. Octopuses live in coastal marine waters and spend much of their time in dens—small holes and crevices in rocks and coral. They are generally solitary and territorial. (source)
I wonder if there are any living in our bay. It would be awesome to have Octopus neighbors. We could have them over for game nights. I wonder if they’d like Scrabble or chess.

Stunningly, our octopus buds edit their own genes!
In a surprising twist, scientists have discovered that octopuses, along with some squid and cuttlefish species, routinely edit their RNA (ribonucleic acid) sequences to adapt to their environment. (source)
How amazing is that (hint: VERY)! Imagine if humans had this ability. For starters, there’d be WAY fewer snowbirds. Florida might well go outta business. I don't have a problem with this.
While Jen’s in recovery mode (yes, she’s the friend who had major surgery earlier this month.  She’s doing great, by the way), we’ve been indulging in teevee time every day. What have we been watching? An older (came out in 2008) show about good guy ace grifters, hustlers and hackers called Leverage.

A drama about a team of high-tech Robin Hoods who scam greedy corporations and corrupt forces that have victimised average citizens. A sly former insurance sleuth captains the crack crew, which includes an eccentric expert thief; a computer virtuoso; a hardfisted "retrieval specialist"; and a grifter with ace thespian skills. (source)
What’s a "retrieval specialist?” Beats the hell out of me. 

Each of the team has a specific finely honed talent on top of their brilliant scamming skills and giant empathetic hearts. Each episode’s plot is a tight, intricate scheme to right wrongs. All the characters are deftly drawn and exquisitely acted. There are no stereotypes or simple constructs.

Fer instance:

Eliot, the muscle, is smart, a fabulous chef, a talented singer and he HATES guns.

Parker, the high tech thief, is a cute-as-all-hell, petite blonde whose also fierce as fuck and incredibly blunt (I thought I was
diplomacy challenged and devoid of social skills!).

Hardison is the computer hacker but he is SO MUCH more than that. He can talk his way in or out of any tight situation and invents needed equipment on the fly.

The show is absolutely brilliant. If you’ve not watched it already, do it, do it, DO IT.

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