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Friday, June 28, 2024

Word for the Day

: mental depression or apathy caused by comparison of the actual state of the world with an ideal state.

The literal translation from German is “world pain” or “world grief.” I’m feeling that this morning.


I’m sick to death of reading about von ShitzenPantz’s lies, theatrics and crimes. I’m beyond sick of all his sycophantic enablers and sponsors. The most vilely egregious of his backers are those who know exactly who he is—a repulsive, low-rent, talentless carnival clown without a brain in his head. If his mouth is open, he’s telling lies. He’s an embarrassment to humanity, the prime example of how, IF there’s a god, boyhowdy, he/she/them really fucked up BIG time when they let that particularly heinous sperm outta the shoot.

I’ve also had it with all the rich, white male pundits and talking heads who want to replace Biden/Harris with Buttigieg/Whitmer. HELLO! You may not get goosebumps and stiffies from Biden/Harris but they are doing a tremendous job at repairing the damage tfg and his filthy mob of nazis wrought.

STOP EXPECTING MAGIC AND INSTANTANEOUS, PERFECT RESULTS! Real life, real progress takes time and effort. We set ourselves up for catastrophic fails and disappointment when we continually jump from one bright, new, sparkly politico to the next.

Also too, not all of us in this jingoistic, ammosexual, Christofascist benighted country are white, straight, Jesus humping, penis flapping hedge fund managers at white-shoe firms. Some of us are actually at risk. Women (YES, even white women) have been and continue to be downgraded from human status to livestock.

Bast forbid you be a disabled, postmenopausal, Social Security collecting Vagina American. Here in the US of A, where a child rapist, conman, failed teevee clown and thief can become president, what are my chances of surviving another onslaught from the wildly hypocritical, lying-ass greed monsters?

Do I look like acceptable collateral damage to you?

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