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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bugs, Bunnies and Stuff

Nothing like getting a wee cold while trying to recover strength and ability after major fucking brain surgery. The bug hit me the Friday before last. At first I thought I’d just overdone my rehab workout the previous day. I discussed this with my ace physical therapist, Judy. She thought it was a light cold.

Today, I’m feeling better BUT, goddamn, it seems I’m nearly, but not entirely, back to square one on the strength and endurance front.

Pastry will help get me up off my ass and exercising. (oh, YES IT WILL!)

Ten has just left for Saint Fratelli’s to get me an apple turnover. Jesus Cannoli Christ, I love that man.

Also, meet Zeke, at right. He appeared on my walker recently. I strongly suspect Ten had something to do with this.
J Davenport Vance can’t go more than couple of hours without making some absolutely inane statement. In response to a reporter’s question about the white supremacist attacks lobbed at him about his wife he shot himself in the foot (again) with this:
Obviously, she’s not a white person…but I just, I love Usha. She’s such a good mom…” (source)
Obviously, she’s not a white person…” translates as:

  • Obviously she’s not a superior specimen of humankind…
  • Obviously she’s from an inferior race…
  • Obviously she’ll never be welcomed at the country club unless she’s there to wash dishes…

N.B.—he did NOT condemn the barrage of racist weasel shit or the white supremacists. Nope. He just said he loves his wife and she’s gestated fetuses and given birth (which is what, according to his previous blatherings, is the only bit that makes her valuable). Okay, he also says she’s a great lawyer. J. Love-Seat Bowman/Hamel/Vance, who also went to law school and supposedly passed the bar, is clearly on the same legal beagle level as Alina Habba.

Somehow, I feel certain that Doug Emhoff would NEVER start a defense of his wife, our future president, with obviously, she’s not a white person but

One last political note, apparently Spanky's already backed out of debating our next president, MVP Kamala Harris. For an old man suffering from dementia and awaiting sentencing on 34 felony counts for election interference, he's moving pretty fast.

That’s it from me today but here are some memes, comics, pics and other random finds. Happy Work Week Eve and shit.

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