Who was Bunny Foo Foo and why did I wake up, just after midnight, with his name stuck rock solidly in my head?
Little bunny Foo Foo,Apparently our man Foo Foo keeps up his scooping and bopping and *POOF* he’s turned into
Hopping through the forest,
Scooping up the field mice,
And bopping them on the head.
Down came the good fairy,
And the good fairy said,
“Little bunny Foo Foo, I don’t wanna see you,
Scooping up the field mice,
And bopping them on the head.”
“I’m gonna give you 3 chances,
Then I’m gonna turn you into a goon!”

…the moral of the story is that if you pick on those smaller and more innocent than you, the moral authority—aka the Good Fairy—will make you pay. (source)So, Little Bunny Foo Foo was a bullying jerkwad without the ability to learn from his mistakes. He’d fit in well with the Republi/Fascist Party and their boss Vlad the Infailer.
What does the A in fuckin’ a stand for? Does it depend on the situation or is it always asshole or asswipe? Maybe, if Jen scores a big gardening win, the a is for amaryllis and is accompanied by a pumped fist?

What about the emotions conveyed by fuckin’ a? Is it always an upbeat, yea team kind of thing or can it be used in peevish situations too?
Can I mutter an angry, schadenfreude laden fuckin’ a when I see some rude jerk, who’d just cut me off on the freeway, in turn get cut off? Possibly a joy filled, shouted Karma, motherfucker would be more appropriate? Given my banjaxed social skills and ineptitude with even garden variety idiomatic expressions I’d sincerely like to know.
Sometimes my life feels like I’m trying to juggle water.
Sometimes it feels like I’m riding a 2-wheeler over loose, burning sand dunes in bare feet.
Sometimes my life feels like I’m floating down a fast river of mud…and there are rapids.
property and/or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage.
One of the basic functions of a dowry has been to serve as a form of protection for the wife against the very real possibility of ill treatment by her husband and his family. A dowry used in this way is actually a conditional gift that is supposed to be restored to the wife or her family if the husband divorces, abuses, or commits other grave offenses against her. (source)I wonder how often dowries got handed back in full if at all. A dowry strikes me as nothing more than a lure for desperate jackasses.
Bride Price
a sum of money or quantity of goods given to a bride’s family by that of the groom, especially in tribal societies.
Essentially, the price tag a dude pays to buy a woman who will serve the function of wife.
Dowries and bride prices are still practiced in this supposedly enlightened 21st century. Gee, ain’t patriarchy grand?!
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