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Monday, November 13, 2023

Frozen Monday

To totter or stagger.
     Dacker possibly came from the early Dutch word daeckeren, which means “to flutter, vibrate.”
Donna dackered around the house yesterday in an attempt to get a little of what we’ll indulgently call “exercise.”
It’s 31 frozen degrees out now. This is BULLSHIT! I’m not ready for snow and ice yet. Hells bells, I have no idea where my gloves are! I can bundle way the fuck up to go for seawall walks but, without gloves, I’m fucked. I need to keep my paws on the walker at all times or court toppling over. This is BULLSHIT!

Yes, I can do a big hunt to locate my damn gloves (AND that would count as balance exercising) OR I could just buy another pair.

Okay, done kvetching and whining (no, REALLY!).

I’ve come to a vital realization—I need to plan my days off from exercising. Instead of walking and or ellipticaling until I hit a wall of spectacular enervation, I should pick two days outta the week when I indulge my inner sloth. 

Balance. Succeeding at this rehab shit is all about balance.

Another option—I can simply explain to folks, who might wonder why I’m being such a lazy sod, that I may not seem to be working out but I'm actually extremely busy on the cellular level. While they ponder the amount of nonsense I’m spewing, I duck away to find an errant Oreo.

Yeah, this’ll work. Also too, it’s a fact that for every day that I don’t exercise, my guilt and self-recriminations increase ten-fold. This, by the by, is boring, painful and NO fun at all.

Today might be a day off. At most I’ll walk around the house, maybe hit Saint Fratelli’s and the hippy-groovy grocery. It’s certainly going to be a day off from doomscrolling. I really don’t need to read another hot take on MAGA Mike the-none-too-bright Johnson or tales of horror in Gaza and the ongoing war on Ukraine.

There is no life to be found in violence. Every act of violence brings us closer to death.
~ bell hooks

The purpose of propaganda is to make one set of people forget that other sets of people are human.
~ Aldous Huxley

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.
~ Carl Reiner

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